Checotah Middle School’s Accelerated Reader Policy
Every CMS Student is required to earn 9 AR points for each quarter of school, unless their personal goal (based on STAR Test reading level) is fewer than 9, in which they will then just meet their personal goal.
Students take AR tests with their reading teachers during their reading class or during WIN.
Points come from BOOKS, not the articles found in Accelerated Reader.
Students should bring their books with them to the teacher when they are ready to test.
Tests that are taken that do not meet these parameters will be deactivated by the reading teachers.
Testing is turned off on weekends and on weekdays: after 3:04 until 8:00 am the next day.
Points do not carry over. (example: you cannot earn 40 points on one book in August and be done for the entire school year)
Books read and tested as Whole Class Novels may count towards your 9 points.
Time should be given during every WIN class to read.
At the end of the quarter (9 weeks), any student without 9 points becomes ineligible the following week.
If a student is ineligible, they are ineligible all week (Monday through Friday) and cannot participate in events or activities until the following week, just like the academic/gradebook ineligibility rules. (adopted 1/12/23)
If a student is ineligible, the teachers will try to work with Mrs. Coleman on visiting the library, however, each grade has a specific day they visit the library, and it is best to stick to the calendar.