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NEW* CHS Distance Learning

Checotah High School staff is providing distance learning through two different methods.  Digitally, students may receive instruction through Google Classroom for each enrolled course.  Teachers have emailed the students the class code for the classes through their school email account.  For students who do not have access to internet, the school will provided printed materials that may be picked up by appointment or the school is also providing chromebooks and a limited number of hotspots for families to assist with digital learning.  The packets and technology by may be picked up by appointment by calling 918-703-3214. 


CHS students: sign up for the Remind App pictured below and check your school email for messages concerning Google Classroom class codes.


You will receive messages starting tomorrow through next week.


If you cannot check your email, please message your name, grade, and a contact number where we can reach you to help you get information on the Remind App.


Send a text to 81010. Text this message: @8fab6fg